About Us

Know why we are best

Creating more than just just games, but virtual escapades.


Motivation is found in all social games

We are Contash, a community of enthusiasts passionate about creating unforgettable and one-of-a-kind virtual worlds. Our dedication to social gaming is evident in the smallest details of our projects – each and every pixel is brimming with our love of connecting with others. We strive to do more than just entertain you; our goal is to inspire you to encounter new and innovative ways to connect with the world we’ve created for you.

We believe in the power of making friendships with fellow gamers and have built our world as a space for you to create and grow these relationships. At Contash, we’re not just a game designer but also a refuge for those looking for a little insanity in a social environment that’s fun, spirited, kind, and above all – real.

We have a clear mission. No, we’re not cramming games in an envelope and selling them to gamers on the corners of big box stores. We’re developing new forms of joy and excitement. We aren’t just makers of games; we are creators of new social adventures. Join us on the bustling and inspiring journey that is social gaming and see for yourself the virtual journey that lies ahead.





